

  • Essay
  • November 4th, 2013

Two Models Handout and Rubric Custom Essay

This paper will allow you to understand and evaluate two vastly different organizational models and to effectively communicate their differences and to state a conclusion as to which you think is a long-term sustainable model. You will be asked to state which model you prefer and to substantiate your conclusion.

First, consider the balcony/dance floor https://gettingchangeright.wordpress.com/2010/03/18/the-dance-floor-and-the-balcony/. This paper is to be written with a balcony view that compares and contrasts Walmart�s CSR and Starbuck�s CSR models. Next, consider the readings. Apply what you have learned from dance floor/balcony and the sources and readings in your analyses. Consider how each of these organizations view differently their Corporate Social Responsibility regarding, people, planet and profits.

Third, analyze the sustainability strategy for Starbucks and Walmart. You may perform your analysis either as a citizen of the world or as a consumer. Compare and contrast the mission, values and core competencies of these companies. You will find information on both of these companies from their websites and by researching recent press releases. Describe how these two organizations have created different systems for corporate social responsibility.

Finally, take a position as to which of these CSR models most closely resembles a long-term sustainable model. In your paper develop three reasons why you support one business model over the other (you must choose) and weave in at least three concepts from sources found in this course (using APA and citations) to support your conclusion.

Keep your eye on the assignment as you are looking to substantiate why you feel one model incorporates CSR in a way that you find the best. This paper is your opinion based upon and substantiated by the research you have conducted. Remember you must cite your sources at least three times in the paper and you must use APA.

Be sure you have an introduction, an analysis and a conclusion. The questions and comments below are designed for you to read and consider before turning in your work.

Your paper will answer the following issues (not necessarily in this order).
� How the company you choose best serves the consumer
� How the company you choose best serves all of the stakeholders
� How the company you choose embeds their CSR philosophy into their website and press releases.
� How the two companies are vastly different in their approach to CSR (or if not why not?)
� Why YOU choose one CSR model over the other as a model for long-term sustainability. (You may take the position either as a consumer or as a citizen of the world).


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