

  • Essay
  • November 18th, 2013

You are to conduct a qualitative study on – Consumer privacy / data protection Custom Essay

‘Data protection in social media
The assignment question is:
“Describe, explain and research a contemporary marketing concept and explore its
dimensions in a qualitative study”.
You will be required to conduct between 5-10 semi-structured interviews with consumers or
Marketing professionals / employees. There will be scheduled time early on during the
module (Weeks 2 and 3) to assist you in setting a context for your topic, devising a
qualitative semi-structured interview guide, and in making decisions about your data
collection. You will need to choose your topic and start your reading and data collection
Subsequently, prepare a paper, which follows the following structure:
1. Introduction
2. Review of the Literature
3. Data Collection
4. Findings & Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendices (minimum of two interview transcripts, profile of interviewees plus your
interview guide)
6It is mandatory to include at least 2 interview transcripts, a profile of your interviewees, and acopy of your interview guide in the appendices, as these are part of the assessment.
Details for each of the sections follow:
Introduction. Give an introduction. Identify the topic and context that you have chosen.
State why this topic is interesting for marketers and potentially what issues there are.
Subsequently, present clearly the purpose of the study. (approx. 200 words)
Review of the literature. Review extant literature. Describe and explain your chosen
contemporary topic using frameworks/theories from your reading. Remember to have an
appropriate and broad range of references. Clearly state the recent problems/issues in this
section, as identified by the literatures. Critical views are welcome. (approx. 1000 words)

· Data collection. Explain how you conducted the interviews. Who your participants were
and how you approached them. Include details such as when, where and how the interviews
took place, how long the interviews lasted, and how you captured the data (approx. 300

· Findings & Discussion. Present your findings here. Look at your data from the interviews
and see if there is a pattern emerging of topics. What are these ‘dimensions’ i.e.
themes/topics? Present these dimensions structurally. Once findings are presented, discuss
what you believe it means. The good discussion will draw from past studies and say how
your findings are similar, different or surprising. (approx. 1200 words)

· Conclusion. Highlight your key findings and implications from your study. (approx. 300
References. Use a consistent referencing style with full details. Be meticulous with your
reference list. Try to avoid internet sources and use as many journal articles as possible.
· Appendices. Include a detailed profile of your interviewees. Include at least two detailed
transcripts (more is welcomed) and a copy of your interview guide.
The assignment task is essentially to review academic literature and explore a new
theoretical marketing concept from your interview data.

WORD LIMIT: 3000 (+/- 10%)
Your references list and appendices are not included in the word limit. Aside from the
transcripts, profile and interview guide, appendices should be limited to relevant and
‘indispensible’ material and in balance with the length of the paper.


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