

Archive for the ‘Health Care and Life Sciences’ Category

Evaluation of Health Care Technology

For this assignment, you will utilize content from the study materials as well as additional qualified resources to synthesize new information that you can apply towards your DPI Project, your future work area, or your clinical practice.

1. Select a technology that has been explored in the course. (TELEMEDICINE or TELEHEALTH)
2. Using the technology you have selected, define and describe how the element would be measured or evaluated.
3. Using the content in the textbook and other readings, list three elements that will be used to evaluate the user-technology interface.
4. Perform an assessment using elements of user-technology interface or human factors methods to determine functionality.
5. For each element, propose practicable suggestions for improvement using support from the literature.

Please follow rubric in order (attached).
Use primary sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used.

Case Report: Health care informatics

Choose a specific focus of patient practice (e.g., acute care hospital, clinic, primary care, long-term care, home health). Select a particular disease process (congestive heart failure, fall, diabetes, etc.). Identify and fully describe a technology element that could be involved in providing care to a patient with your selected disease process and the patient practice. Define how this technology will integrate treatment, monitoring or communication from the identified care setting to the home and then to ongoing care through the clinic.

Your case report must include the following:
1.Introduction with a problem statement and your disease process described from the focus of patient practice.
2.Synthesized literature review.
3.Description of the case/situation/conditions. Use a real life patient situation or condition to describe your case, including the problems the patient encounters and the barriers to care.
4.Describe at least one technology that may be used as a

Cultural Diversity

Watch the What Baby Boomers Can Learn from Millennials at Work and Vice Versa TED Talks by Chip Conley available at: https://www.ted.com/talks/chip_conley_what_baby_boomers_can_learn_from_millennials_at_work_and_vice_versa (Links to an external site.)

Research Cultural Diversity in the workplace from at least 3 additional professional resources.  Write a 3-page paper (title page and reference page are not counted as part of the total) examining the positive impact it has on the workplace.  Conversely, identify any negative effects on organizations who have resisted implementation. Consider your response from the legal, liability, and ethical perspectives. 

Your paper must include: 

An introduction
Summarize the Ted Talk in your own words
Examine the importance of cultural diversity in the workplace
Cite specific research/evidence on the benefits of cultural diversity for the organization and employees
Recommend one solution (team

Science Documentary Review

There are free science documentaries that can be found on youtube or netflix, etc. Find a science documentary with at least 30 minute length or more. 

Write a 2 FULL page summary of the documentary, what you learned, and how it impacts your life.

Policy Analysis Excercise

**********Please Provide a Paper and a Powerpoint Overview

*********Group Topic :    American Health Care Association

The purpose of the policy analysis exercise is to give you the opportunity to work with a specific health policy advocacy topic. This project will integrate the knowledge you have been learning in the course and apply it to a particular issue.

Each section of the paper should :

1. describe their interest group and the groups objectives/mission;

2. describe who the group represents (i.e., governance structure, target audience served, membership);

3. Identify one health care policy reform supported by the group; and

4.compare the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed reform.

Need case study on each topic min 300 words

Consider the following scenario: Your patient has suffered from schizophrenia for two decades and has received classic dopaminergic treatments since the onset of illness. The latest research supporting use of the glutamatergic model has not been tried on your patient, and there is an opportunity for your patient to enter clinical trials utilizing glutamate-based treatments. Your patient suffers significant executive function impairment and memory impairment. Do you recommend participation in the clinical trial? Why or why not?

Fluid Imbalances

Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following:

Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is and how this is important to the function of the body?
Pick a fluid or electrolyte imbalance and describe how the patient would present, in addition to the treatment (nursing and expected medical)?

You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.

Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice where information processing and management was used to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, acc

This essay needs to be a reflection of my experience, so it needs to be more personalized. I will upload a previous essay(Labeled Reflection essay 1, which you previously wrote, I just had to edit it to be more personalized) that can be used as an example to help guide you. Please no plagiarism, APA format, no references are needed. You can use words like "I" since it is my reflection from my previous papers from 3 different courses.

******Please make sure that the essay cites at least three excellent and diverse artifacts (that are uploaded) that validate the student's ability to integrate the use of information technology and the values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care. A well-written reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.****

Assignment per professor: to give an idea of what is neede

Use what you have learned in all your course work to demonstrate advanced nursing practice whereinformation processing and management wasused to accentuate the values of nursing, as well as nursing care that reflects integrity, excellence, respect, accoun

This essay needs to be a reflection of my experience, so it needs to be more personalized. I will upload a previous essay(Labeled Reflection essay 1, which you previously wrote, I just had to edit it to be more personalized) that can be used as an example to help guide you. Please no plagiarism, APA format, no references are needed. You can use words like "I" since it is my reflection from my previous papers from 3 different courses.

******Please make sure that the essay cites at least three excellent and diverse artifacts (that are uploaded) that validate the student's ability to integrate the use of information technology and the values of nursing to provide client-centric, collaborative, dignified, quality, and safe care. A well-written reflective narrative, no longer than two (2) pages, double-spaced, 1 margin on all sides, is included documenting how these assignments helped the student meet this outcome.****

Assignment per professor: to give an idea of what is neede

Health Care

The New York City Community Health Profiles capture the health of 59 community districts across the city. They contain over 50 measures of neighborhood health, emphasizing that our health starts where we live, work and play. These reports highlight the disparities among neighborhoods and can be used by policymakers, community groups, health professionals, researchers and residents to encourage community engagement and action.

Go to https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/data/data-publications/profiles.page

Scroll down to find your NYC community/neighborhood. If you do not live in NYC, choose a random neighborhood. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Upload this assignment to blackboard.