

Archive for the ‘Business and Management’ Category

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then

1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the country and justify your selection.  3.Select and describe the target market.  4.Identify the key competitors and identify strategic elements that increase competitive advantage. 5.Analyze potential ethical issues in the practice of global marketing the US brand may encounter. 6.Identify a desirable brand image (it may differ than the image this brand has in the U.S.).  7.Identify key features/performance/benefits of the brand. Depending on the differences between the country you selected and the U.S., you may need to adjust the product features, benefits, and performance.  8.Select a pricing strategy.  9.Select the appropriate method of distr

Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page's Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)
4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the opportunities and challenges for Tesla to compete in these businesses.

720 Faith Integration 2: Analytics in a Corporation



Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Faith Integration Paper 2 : Analytics in a corporation.

Must use at least 4 high quality peer-reviewed sources. The Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2013), and Merida (2015) course textbooks are required sources. Must have at least 1 biblical integration.


The student should read the weekly assigned chapters in Ahmed, Bartlett and section topics in Merida. Then answer the question being posed as a Christian leader with critical reflection of the topic, supported by in-text citations and examples. This paper is focused on the development of students as Christian leaders in organizations. Another objective of these papers is to provide students with integration of theory

780 DB: Call to Lead and Develop other Leaders


Manning & Curtis: Chapters 8-9, 12-13

Read Merida: The Wise Fool 9:10-11:43, The Torn Kingdom 12:1-14:20. A Lamp in Jerusalem 14:21-16:34

Chapter 8: Leadership Authority

Matthews 20:25-28

Evaluating a Competency Approach in Assessing Biblical Leadership Effectiveness (attached)

After completing the reading assignments, post your initial response to the following points:
    Reflect on a time that you observed an example of effective leading and how it affected your own leadership development.
    Identify a biblical example of effective leading and compare it with your takeaway from the reading assignments. Include what lessons can be learned and how you might implement it in your workplace responsibilities. (School Administrator)
    Analyze two scholarly sources and discuss to what extent they align with your response to the discussion question.

Must be support

Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices

Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked https://www.census.gov/econ/currentdata/dbsearch?program=MRTS&startYear=1992&endYear=2017&categories=44X72&dataType=SM&geoLevel=US&notAdjusted=1&submit=GET+DATA&releaseScheduleId=%C2%A0 (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that you can deal with seasonality).

Option 2: Find another time series of interest to you on the internet (any time series OK, but be sure to include a link to the data. One option: choose any subcategory of the data from class!).

Whether you choose Option 1 or Option 2, perform a time series analysis. Consider is it horizontal? Does it show a trend? Seasonality?  How about a non-seasonal cycle?  Some textbooks including Business An

720 DB WK 2 Inside the Corporation

Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
    Identify the reasons advanced data analytics is required in modern businesses.
    Evaluate how leadership within a company uses decision-making analytics.
    Describe how advanced analytics is utilized in a modern company.
    Describe why speed and accuracy of quality communication is important.
    Describe how moral leadership plays a part in business analytics.

After completing the required reading, provide a CRITICAL ANALYSIS discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading. At the post graduate level you are NOT to provide a summary but rather provide a critical t

Coursework 2

The report length is 3500 words. When counting your words, please exclude the text in figures, tables, Section 1 (Title Page and Table of Contents) and Section 7 (References). The word count must be included in the Title Page.

This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you must take the opportunity to demonstrate your learning from all OR many of the units of the module to present a case study that shows how theory can be useful in appraising activities and performance of an organisation.

The formal learning outcomes that coursework 2 will contribute to are:

1.      Evaluate the role of an organisations internal capabilities and how these may be structured to attain competitive advantage.

2.      Appraise the role and scope of specific business functions and their contribution to an organisations success.

3.      Analyse and evaluate the significance o

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources.

1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.
2. Research three (3) fire departments that have faced serious economic problems and then discuss the solutions that were implemented by that department to counter the effects of the economic downturn.
3. Discuss whether the solutions have been a success or failure.

Research Paper Guidelines for Zara

What are the import requirements of retail clothing?
Why would these requirements effect the Zara logistics team when importing?
How does Zara manage a global supply chain?
How does Zara manage the logistics of moving its clothing strategically between stores?
How does the requirements of maximums in the store help Zara logistics?
How does Zara master global replenishment?
What are Zaras best practices that make it a leader in global logistics?

Social Media Strategy

Alumni: Promote a black-tie event being held by the alumni association for MBA alumni. The event will be held on December 20 with all proceeds from ticket sales going to St. Judes. The dinner will be hosted at the school, with students running ticket sales and a silent auction, and the culinary department will be cooking and serving a five-course meal. The hope is to raise at least $10,000 from this fundraiser.
When analyzing this target audience, narrow your data to individuals with a graduate degree who are at least thirty years old and make at least $80,000 per year.

Social Media Strategy Proposal
Develop a social media strategy proposal that will address your chosen fundraisers key performance indicators by evaluating qualitative and quantitative data. Make sure to use appropriate evidence to support your analysis and recommendations, and incorporate any feedback you received on the first two milestones.

Data Analysis: Collect and analyze the f